Oops, we set the wrong DKIM records for our newsletter
That means that many of the people who have requested to stay updated haven't received any updates. Oops.
No the technical hiccup is corrected and everything should be running smoothly. But just in case, here is the same info in a condensed format.
These Are the 5 Most Important Updates So Far - We Think.
1. Open Access to Our Resources:
We've granted free access to all our documents, from drafts to specifications. Already, 417 people have accessed these files through Google Drive. You can join them by visiting the Journal section of our website and clicking the designated button. We welcome your feedback and value any comments or ideas you might have.
2. Talent Search
We are discreetly seeking founders, co-founders, and entrepreneurs, particularly in Sales Outsourcing, AI Consulting, Change Management, Organizational Development, and Digital Marketing. Selected candidates will receive starting capital and support to scale their businesses within our ecosystem. Read more of it here.
3. Visual Brand Identity:
Our visual brand identity is nearing completion. You’ll find all related files, including prototype plans, in the same accessible folders.
4. Ecosystem Founding Members:
We plan to initiate the ecosystem with 10 to 12 companies and an equal number of solopreneurs. Due to higher than anticipated interest, we've already had to create a waitlist for "phase 1" to ensure a diverse range of sectors, while we're also actively pursuing partnerships in some key areas for "phase 1” (we feel some key sectors, that are not yet represented, could still benefit from participation already at the first phase).
5. Upcoming Design Sprint:
We're planning a design sprint for this September to develop our ecosystem business model and decision-making procedures (among other things) together with the founding members. This keeps us on track for a public launch by year-end.